Saturday, September 15, 2007

Well, I'm very new to this world of blogging. Its kind of we'll see how it goes. We wanted to create this blog so we could share this journey with our family and friends. We are so excited as we anticipate the long awaited homecoming of our first child and scared out of our minds as we look at all the paperwork and waiting and all the unknowns. So, thank you so much for walking this road with us. Through all your love and support we are reminded of God's intimate love and care for us.

We have 2 fundraisers we are going to be doing so far. The first is a garage sale Sept 28 and 29. If anybody wants to get rid of any junk and donate it to us we would love it! Jake or I can come pick it up anytime, just give us a call. The second is TBA because we don't really know the details yet, so stay tuned!

Thank you for all your encouraging emails and notes. We are so blessed and so humbled. We have 28 steps total in this process and we have already completed 1-5. YAY!!! We have to focus on the small victories! Thanks again for all your support! I'll try to be diligent in my posting so come back and visit!


sarah said...

This is way exciting, Matt and I are praying for you guys! we have stuff to donate! and you know I am your gal at any hour of the day for garage sale help!

bek said...

Jake and Joy, this is such wonderful news! Your mom just sent me the link to your blog. I'm going to link to it from mine if you don't mind! I wish I could be there to help with the garage sale or at least go through my things and get rid of some stuff. I look forward to reading about this and go through it with you from Mexico! You two will be in my prayers, as well as the little one that God is preparing for you.

Much love! Besos!